Happy New Year! May it be a beautiful 2025.
The old year ends with good news: Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek has money for two more years!! It is great that Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven is once again supporting POM financially. There are new plans ready and there is a focus on collaborations with organizations such as Tromp Percussie, Storioni Festival, Fopsa, Modulab Eindhoven, TAC and Jazzworks. There will also be some changes in the organization: Jarno van Es and Rianne Wilbers will program and organize POM together with Bart van Dongen for the next two years.
Kind regards, Bart van Dongen - Jarno van Es - Rianne Wilbers
Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek
2025 starts with two manifestations organized by external organizations, after which POM will be back with many concerts, residencies and presentations. We hope to see you at one of the public rehearsals, residencies and concerts. Keep an eye on the website for the current program.
With kind regards, Bart van Dongen - Jarno van Es - Rianne Wilbers
Tuesday January 14 JazzWorks - public session
Sunday January 19 DARE Dance - Art Reflections Eindhoven - 2 pm - tickets https://dance-art-reflections.nl/nyfind.html
Friday January 24 Xtort – DIE STADT IST TOT!! poetry and music Sunday
Sunday January 26 João Gato - Alto sax solo
Wednesday January 29 Spinifex - composition and improvisations
Wednesday February 5 Presentation of POM's new artistic team
Saturday February 8 Trails - Nora Mulder – piano, Gonçalo Almeida – double bass, Felicity Provan - cornet & voice
Tuesday February 11 Don Dietrich & Camille Dietrich (US) + Jef Mertens (BE) + Mascletá (FR)
Tuesday February 18 JazzWorks - public session
Saturday, February 15 Chris Corsano/Tizia Zimmermann/Chris Pitsiokos
Saturday February 21
The Five (try-out) Zwerm & Karen Willems
From July 11, Heba Bardan will be taking photos and videos of the concerts for POM. YES! You can see the first one here https://youtu.be/fQr9fyHAs2s?si=9GO4mY8NQ5o2wLTM
You can look back on the YouTube channel of Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek